Engine coolant leak repair cost
Engine coolant leak repair cost


And it depends if its in the same area of the engine compartment". But some things are unforeseen, like a burst hose, etc. His response was "If the damages were caused by their work, of course they will cover it. So, I reemphasized that we had only driven 70 miles since their servicing, they never mentioned anything about coolant leaking at the time of the service, and the car has never had coolant leakage before. I understand that without looking at the car, he can't guarantee the fault of the dealership or that they'd cover anything- but maybe I just didn't like the wording of it. When my girlfriend asked if/what the service would cost us, he told us they wouldn't know the cost/extent of damages till Monday. He said they wouldn't be able to even look at it until Monday, which is understandable because its Saturday and they were very busy. This indicated to me that we were at least on the same page about the possibility/likelihood of this being their error. He was very friendly and cordial, but greeted us with a definite air of remorse/worry. This morning it was towed, and we met with the same dealership employee whom we met with previously. She's also a careful and conservative driver. My girlfriend bought it new in 2017 and has always kept up with the maintenance. In general, I've been amazed at how reliable and smooth-running this car has been. All maintenance has always been done through the dealership, and has generally been typical routine maintenance (oil changes, tires, alignments, wipers, etc.). To be clear, this vehicle has never had issues with low or leaking coolant before this.

engine coolant leak repair cost

This was very alarming to me, because in the 4 years I've known this car it has never stalled, sputtered, or anything even remotely alarming like that.


This morning, the tow truck driver started the car to put it on the truck-bed and the engine sputtered and stalled shortly after starting, giving no warning messages. After turning the car back on (but not the engine), there now was a check-engine light with the console indicating "service required". There were no warning messages in the console/interface, but we shut the car off and scheduled for a tow back to the dealership in the morning. It sounded like a relatively smooth idle apart from a faint metallic rattling noise.

engine coolant leak repair cost

The engine smelled hot, but no smoke or steam. I opened the hood and, sure enough, the coolant reservoir was completely empty. I got out to look under the hood and immediately realized a large puddle of coolant coming from under the car. The car had been idling for about 30 minutes and my girlfriend pointed out that the heat wasn't working in the car, putting out cold air. Last night, my girlfriend and I were packing up her 2017 X1 in preparation for a road trip.


We went ahead with all of their suggestions, racking up a bill of around $3000 (Note, in their full diagnostics they never mentioned anything about low or leaking coolant.) This week we drove the car 3 times within town, a total of 74 miles since the service, and everything seemed to be okay and running smooth. They recommended changing the pads, rotors, and replacing an engine mount that had apparently collapsed. So, 6 days ago my girlfriend took her 2017 X1 (90k miles) in to the dealership for new front brake pads.

Engine coolant leak repair cost